User security

Jan 23, 2018

There are some basic levels of security in Sobs.

  • Sobs Administrator
  • Department Head
  • Application specific option
  • Staff
  • Guest

Depending on your level of security determines which menu options are displayed.  Security within the application will restrict staff from accessing these other forms even if they knew the form name and typed it in.

Each application also has some configurable security options.  Click on the “School Settings” page and the tab for the application you are working in, then scroll to the bottom of this page to view the security roles and current settings.  For example, in the Rooms and Resource Bookings application you can adjust which security level may make bookings, override defaults and their default book-ahead value.  For example, in the Parent/Teacher interview booking application you can configure which security levels you can select Round Managers from.

Sobs Administrator

When you sign up for a trial you are automatically configured as the Sobs Administrator and have access to all functionality within the application.

As the Sobs Administrator you can do everything within the Sobs application.  Including the ability to create other administrators for your school.

For users who have access to the staff editing or import areas you have the ability to modify user security for all users at or below your level.  You can not promote another user to a higher level of security.  Consequently, occasionally an administrator will modify their security to the level of ‘Staff’ in order to test some functionality, but afterwards they can not adjust their security back to ‘Sobs administrator’.  You would need another ‘Sobs administrator’ user to reset your security, otherwise you will need to contact support to have your security reconfigured.

The Sobs Administrator is the only person who can maintain the ‘Calendar’, maintain the ‘Staff’ and update the ‘School Settings’.

Department Head

The position of Department Head can have different functions depending on the application being run.

For Resource Booking the Department Head security can be configured to allow these staff members access to book on behalf of other staff, create permanent bookings, or have custom book-ahead allowances.  Generally the Department Head can also override bookings and manage resources.  For more specific options you should consider using the Resource Manager role and then add this staff member to the specific resources they will be managing.

For Parent/Teacher interview bookings the Department Head has no special privileges, although they may be selected as Round Managers by the Sobs Administrator.  In the School Settings, PT tab the Department Head can be given the privilege of creating rounds and assigning round managers.

Application specific option

In the Resource Booking application there is a security known as Resource Manager.  These staff have special permission to manage resources, such as notifications, approvals, the ability to edit resource information, process loans or modify these manager options.  You must add the resource manager to the resources that they will be managing.

The WH&S (Workplace Health & Safety) system defines a WHS Office security.  This role has special permission to review and approve the WH&S excursion plans amongst other things.


Staff security generally allows a staff member to do things a staff member would normally do.  Create bookings, plan excursions, enter notices, create events on the calendar, etc.

For the Parent/Teacher interview booking application any staff member can be assigned the role of Round Manager for a particular round, giving them the ability to update availability, approve unavailability, approve exceptional bookings, update the round details and other general round management functions.  Most staff can view and update bookings for other staff, although there is an option to restrict staff to their own bookings for a particular round.


The guest security allows the user to log in to the application but is generally a read-only security.

In Room and Resource Bookings you may allow guests to make bookings, however in general a guest can only see resources that they have specifically been configured to see, hence they won’t be able to book any room or resource they can’t see.

Parent/Public security

In the Parent/Teacher interview booking system there is a parent security which allows parents to make and manage their bookings.

In the School calendar and School notices systems there is a public security option that enables open access to certain information.