PT: Instructions for parents

Jan 23, 2018

We have on occasion been asked if there are any generic instructions available that schools can use to send parents – well now there are.  These documents were originally shared with us by a school and have been modified substantially to be suitably generic.

URL access to the site

We strongly recommend that you include the link for the online booking on your school website.  Ensure this link takes the parent directly to the screen where they are prompted for their email address. You can obtain your link from the ‘School Settings’ page and the ‘Authentication’ tab.   Our experience has been that if you ask them to type in the full URL there will be some who make a mistake, get lost and end up frustrated.

Downloadable PDF documents

Download a sample letter you might send to parents: parent-letter.pdf or parent-letter.doc

Download instructions as would be used by a parent: parent-instructions.pdf or parent-instructions.doc