Using Data Lists in Permission Slips

Apr 11, 2024

Permission Slips includes the functionality to select from pre-defined lists of options.  Instead of adding all of the options into the Permission Slip, you can reference a pre-defined list, called a ‘Data list’. Creating a Data list Log into SOBS Permission Slips Click on your school name (bottom left) and then on “Data lists” Click […]

Asking more questions

Aug 30, 2023

We are regularly asked if it is possible to ask additional questions when a parent makes a booking using the Parent Booking application.  For example, when a parent is booking for an enrolment interview, a frequent question is in regard to the school (or pre-school) the child was attending prior to enrolling.  Similarly, a confirmation […]

PS: Getting started

Apr 18, 2020

When you first start using Permission Slips it is necessary to upload your student, parent and class data. We have a number of import options available, choose the most appropriate for your school. Import your student data, parent data, and any class data you have. This will provide the best selection options when it comes […]

PS: Upgrading to version 3

We have applied our new style to the Permission Slips application. If you are still running version 2.3 then an upgrade option will appear for your SOBS Administrators when they login – you can choose to delay the upgrade a week, or apply the upgrade now. If you choose the “Upgrade now” option you and […]