How to enable Guest access

Jan 23, 2018

You can at any time create users manually (or via import) that have a guest level of security.  However Sobs comes with a self-registration process for guests.  This option is disabled by default and must be enabled before it can be used

Self registration for guests

By default this option is disabled.  It will not work until the Sobs administrator at a school enables the option.

How to enabled self-registration for guests

  1. Navigate to the School Settings page
  2. Click the ‘Authentication’ tab
  3. Click the ‘Edit’ button in the top right of this page
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the form – you will find a check box option for ‘Guest self-reg’ – check this box
  5. You will also check boxes for each application where you want to enable guest access
  6. Click the ‘Save’ button to save these changes
  7. Click the ‘Email & SMTP’ tab
  8. At the bottom of the page is a field ‘Email accounts’ and a link to ‘Add new email’ – click the ‘Add new email’ account
  9. For purpose select ‘Guest approval’
  10. In the address field enter the email address where the guest approvals are sent – this might be the address of the school office or registrar
  11. Click the ‘Save’ button

Back on the Authentication tab you will now see at the bottom of this page the ‘Guest self-reg’ option is enabled and a URL is displayed.  This URL is the one necessary for guests to self-register.  You may create a link on your school website using this URL to assist parents or students to access this option.

When ‘Guest‘ access is enabled for an application a ‘Guest‘ flag will appear on the Sobs home page (where you see the list of applications). At the login page if self-registration is enabled then a link for this function will be available, but only within guest enabled applications.

Guest self-registration process

When a new guest first accesses the self-registration URL they are prompted to enter their email address and complete a simple maths question (this helps avoid spam engines automatically registering).  Clicking the ‘Next’ button will generate an email to the address entered to confirm a valid email address was entered – the user must click the link in the email before they can progress any further.

After clicking the link in the verification email the guest is taken to the second screen where they are prompted to enter a password, first and last name and a mobile number. Clicking the ‘Next’ button will store these details and send an email to the ‘Guest approval’ address at the school.  All guest registrations must be approved before they can be used.

The staff member responsible for approving guest registrations can now review the details entered (the email address, name and mobile number) and either ‘Approve’ or ‘Cancel’ the registration.  An email is automatically sent to the guest email address informing them of the decision.  If successful the guest can now login using their email address and the password entered.

How Guest access can be used within Sobs

Resource Booking: Guests might be given access to book specific resources, say tennis courts or playing fields

Parent/Teacher interview booking: This allows the parent to specify a password on their account. If the parent has previously used booked interviews the system will automatically connect their new guest account with the existing parent detail on the system.

School Notices: Parents can view online or request the notices be emailed to them

School Calendar: Parents can view the calendar online and also add their own personal events to the calendar (personal events are only visible to the person entering them)

Updating parent information: Parents can use the ‘My profile’ page to update their details and also to change their email address.

Note: To enable guest access to an application do this in the School Settings Page on the Authentication tab.