RB: Managing Resources – Resource Managers

Mar 27, 2024

At times it is useful to be able to specify certain staff members that have special management options for a particular resource or two.  We call these peoples Resource Managers or RMs.  There are a number of reasons you might want to add an RM to a resource, and we have listed these below.  But […]

Adjusting the information displayed on the calendar

Jul 18, 2022

By default we will always show the resource title on the booking – this is standard and you can’t change it.  It is however a good idea to keep those resource titles succinct, to avoid long wrapping names.   The other thing to remember is the difference between viewing your own bookings, and the bookings for […]

Limit bookable times for a resource

Jan 31, 2022

We like to think as everything is available for booking, so limiting bookable times is a feature we have added somewhat reluctantly. How to setup the timetable We utilise the “multiple timetables” feature as the basis for limiting bookable times.  Essentially we are creating a timetable of bookable times.  For information on setting up multiple […]

Multiple timetables

Jan 27, 2022

This is a new feature as of January 2022. Previously we would manage this by setting up separate schools for each different timetable.  We are now supporting multiple timetables within one school.  Staff can be configured for a default timetable that will automatically apply when they log into Resource Booking, however there is also the […]

How to setup Microsoft Outlook to subscribe to SOBS

Aug 6, 2021

Firstly, start by copying the subscription URL from SOBS. Click on your name (in the bottom left corner) Click on “Profile” from the menu At the bottom of the profile you will find the “calendar subscription URL”, copy this URL (the whole line) Open up your Outlook Calendar On the Home tab, in the Manage Calendars group, and click Add […]

How to setup Google Calendar to subscribe to SOBS

Firstly, start by copying the subscription URL from SOBS. Click on your name (in the bottom left corner) Click on “Profile” from the menu At the bottom of the profile you will find the “calendar subscription URL”, copy this URL (the whole line) Open up your Google Calendar page Ensure the main menu is visible […]

How to setup Apple Calendar to subscribe to SOBS

Firstly, start by copying the subscription URL from SOBS. Click on your name (in the bottom left corner) Click on “Profile” from the menu At the bottom of the profile you will find the “calendar subscription URL”, copy this URL (the whole line) Start your Apple Calendar application From the “File” menu select “New calendar […]

Using LISS to exchange data

May 28, 2021

LISS is a protocol allowing two different applications to directly exchange data using a standard format. (No CSV files involved) LISS supports two different modes, “PUSH” and “PULL”. This results in the protocol having four different flavours: Pushing data to some other application Receiving data that has been pushed from some other application Pull data […]

Room Change Notifications (RCN)

May 17, 2021

When a staff member books a room sometimes it is a change from the normal classroom the class is held in. In this instance the Room Change Notification can be used to generate a message in the School Notices. Requires Resource Booking and School Notices For this option to work you will need subscriptions to […]

RB: Delayed booking notifications

Nov 19, 2019

The first question is why do we delay the booking notification? We don’t want to send you 5 different emails if you are making 5 different bookings – we want to send you a single email including all 5 bookings, including any other changes or deletions you make. Here is a sample email: How long […]

RB: Asking more questions about a booking

Sep 17, 2019

There are times where booking a resource is just the beginning of a process that often involves a number of other details being required.  For example when a staff member books a library space the library will have additional questions about whether a T/L is required or will A/V resources be needed.  How many seats […]

Staff instructions

Jun 21, 2019

As a staff member you will have access to SOBS in order to perform one of these operations: View your bookings Create a list of favourite resources Book a resource Edit your own bookings Delete a booking Open this link to view / download a copy of these instructions: https://sobs.com.au/docs/sobs-rb3-staff.pdf

RB: Managing resources

Mar 29, 2019

We begin with some considerations in regard to the resources you are wanting to manage within SOBS. You probably have a good idea of what needs to be managed so let’s start with those resources. Firstly we want to group these resources into categories. We suggest using categories that define resources with similar attributes. For […]

RB: Setting up for the first time

Mar 27, 2019

Resource Booking requires some configuration before we can start making bookings. There are 3 steps: Enter your calendar / timetable details Configure your categories and resources Load your staff Setting up your calendar and timetables: Calendar setup Before setting up your resources, we recommend you have a quick brainstorm of the resources available at your […]

RB: Multiple timetables

Feb 4, 2019

Where you school has multiple campuses, or where a neighbouring school is also using SOBS you can configure this application to share certain resources, allowing them to be bookable by staff at the remote site. Identifying your campuses or neighbouring schools Before any sharing takes place you are required to define a relationship between the […]

RB: Upgrading to version 3

Jan 24, 2019

The Resource Booking application is used by many school staff, so when upgrading it is important to manage the change carefully.  The upgrade from version 2 to version 3 is a significant change to the look of the product and also the location of functions has changed. Step 1: Preparation We recommend that you start […]

Creating reports in Resource Booking

Jan 23, 2018

SOBS has a flexible but simple reporting tool that is accessible by all staff.  Staff can create and store their reports, or schedule them to run on a regular basis. Creating Reports When logged into SOBS, click on your name (bottom left) and then on ‘My reports’.  This will display a list of your reports.  […]

Recording the purpose for a booking

Booking Types is an optional component that you can configure for use in your school.  It is not activated by default. Enable Booking Types You will need to be logged in as a Sobs administrator. Click on your school name (bottom left) and then on “App configuration” Click on “Resource Booking” in the menu (top […]

RB: Creating a group of resources

You can create a group of resources, this allows you to book the entire group with a single booking. A good example of this might be a multi-purpose centre where there is also a stage area, a foyer and a kitchen.  You can book each area separately, or you can group the resources into a […]

RB: Restricting access to a resource

Generally resources are bookable to all staff, however SOBS includes the facility to limit who can see or book a resource. Defaults By default a resource will be viewable and bookable by any staff member. Restricted staff access You can restrict access to a resource.  This will enable only specified staff to book this resource. […]