Jan 23, 2018
There are a number of options with regard to time constraints on bookings:
- Limit to how far ahead a user can book a resource
- Force bookings to be made a certain time in advance
Booking ahead: Security roles vs Category
This option allows the manager to configure how far in advance a staff member will be allowed to book a resource. Booking ahead is often used to ensure that all staff get a reasonable chance at booking a resource throughout the term. By configuring a 2 week book ahead limit, staff will only be able to book the resource up to 14 days ahead. They will not be able to make bookings beyond this limit.
- The book-ahead value can be specified on the staff security role record:
- Click on your school name (bottom left) and then on ‘Staff / Guests’
- In the top left menu click on “Security roles”
- If a list of applications is shown, select “Resource Booking” from the list
- This will display the various security settings for the Resource Booking application
- You can modify the book-ahead value for each security role appropriately
- The book-ahead value can also be specified on the Category record that will only apply to :
- Click on your school name (bottom left) and then on “Categories / Resources”
- The list of categories is displayed, the second column shows the current book-ahead value for each category
- You can edit the category record to adjust the book-ahead value for each category as necessary
- If a book ahead value is specified in both the security role and the Resource category, the Resource category will take precedence.
Booking ahead: Dates vs Number of days
The ability to enter a specific date can be used to limit staff to only making bookings in the current term, for example. You can of course enter any date. Booking beyond this date will not be possible except by the resource administrators and the Sobs administrator. Alternatively you can enter the number of days that can be booked-ahead.
- When using a date
- Staff will only be able to book a resource up to (and including) the specified date.
- This can be used to stop staff from booking beyond the end of the term, or the end of the school year.
- It is important to remember to remove (or update) this date as necessary.
- When using a number of days
- This will define a number of days ahead that can be booked, but not beyond.
- The number of days is relative and will not need regular updating.
Book Ahead values within the Current Term
Schools have often asked if the book-ahead can be constrained to the current term, to stop staff booking into the next term until the timetabled room bookings are uploaded. The “Book ahead – CT” (stands for Current Term) is an option we added that constrains still further the ability to book ahead. With the Book ahead – CT enabled staff will not be able to book ahead according to the book-ahead value, however they will also be constrained to booking within the current term only. Staff will have to wait until the first day of the next term before they can begin booking for that term.
This rule doesn’t apply when importing booking information.
Booking in term breaks is allowed, hence from the first day of term staff can book all the way through to the end of the next term break, assuming their book-ahead values allow them to do so.
- To set the “Book ahead – CT” otpion
- Click on your school name (bottom left) and then on “App configuration”
- This will display the application settings for Resource Booking
- Click the “Edit” button to update these options
Book in advance
By default advance bookings are not set and the default would be zero (hours). Meaning, a staff member can book a resource for the same day that they are making the booking. By specifying a value you are forcing staff to book the resource at least 1 (or more) hours in advance of the current time. This might be necessary where the room or resource needs preparation. Some schools have used this facility for class sets of books, where the staff in charge of those books need 24 hours to ensure the collections are checked and ready for the students.
The resource manager can configure the Book-in-advance value on specific resources.
- Click on your school name (bottom left) and then on “Categories / Resources”
- Click on one of the displayed Categories to manage the Resources
- Edit the resource and set the Book-in-advance value as required
If using this option we recommend that you add some indication to the resource description field indicating the advance booking requirement, and also any exceptional circumstances process.