Jan 24, 2019
The Resource Booking application is used by many school staff, so when upgrading it is important to manage the change carefully. The upgrade from version 2 to version 3 is a significant change to the look of the product and also the location of functions has changed.
Step 1: Preparation
We recommend that you start by taking a look at the new interface yourself before committing your school.
- Log into SOBS Resource Booking as normal
- Click on “My profile” and then “Edit the details below”
- Check the option for “Version 3” and click “Save”
- Click the link “Go to version 3 now”
You can now familiarise yourself with the new interface. Perhaps you will consider giving your staff a 5 minute overview of the new interface.
Each time you log into SOBS Resource Booking you will automatically be presented with the new version.
Step 2: Moving all staff to version 3
- Log into SOBS Resource Booking as normal (this should be the new interface having followed the instructions above)
- Click on your name in the bottom left corner – this will display a list of menu options relevant to you
- Click the “Profile” menu option
- Click the “Edit” button to edit the details
- A second “Version 3” checkbox is now displayed – check this and click “Save”
With this second checkbox enabled all staff that now log in will be presented with the new interface.
Going back to version 2
By unchecking those same options you can switch backward and forward between the two versions.
The same database tables are used for the bookings, so bookings made in one version will automatically appear in the other version.
Version 3 does have some additional features that may not be available in version 2, these features will not be available if you revert to the old version.